This same juice will save you from 5 diseases in monsoon, it will also increase your immunity, start drinking today,

Corona virus is spreading all over the world and even now the monsoon season has started which will cause other diseases to hover around you, the only best way to avoid all this is to increase the immunity. In the meantime if you drink some fruit and juice you get strength to fight diseases. Kiwi is one such fruit. Which is mostly used in dengue disease. The nutrients in kiwi increase the reduced platelet count inside the body. This fruit is a little expensive which many people cannot eat, but it would be better to eat this fruit than to spend it on illness. Not only kiwi fruit but also its juice is very useful for the body. Let us know today which five diseases Kiwi juice also protects against.

  • Keeps the heart healthy :

Drinking kiwi juice keeps the heart healthy. It benefits the heart a lot. Prevents blood clots from forming in blood vessels. You can also consume it in case of high blood pressure. Kiwi juice will keep high blood pressure normal. So you will not get heart related diseases soon. Eating kiwi and drinking juice protects the heart as it contains fiber. Also the risk of stroke, cardiac arrest, heart attack is less. Eating two kiwis a day also lowers triglycerides.

  • Reduces the risk of asthma :

Kiwi fruit is very good for asthma patients if consumed in the form of juice. It is also believed that the properties of kiwi help the respiratory system to function properly during asthma.

  • Strengthens the digestive system :

People are bothered by the problem associated with the digestive system during the rainy season, the consumption of kiwi fruit juice is very beneficial to avoid it. The fiber inside the kiwi fruit not only improves the digestive function and also saves you from many kinds of stomach related problems.

  • Increases immunity :

The higher the immunity in the body, the more you will be able to stay away from most diseases. Kiwi fruit juice maintains immune cells which is why it is beneficial in strengthening the body's immune system.

  • Very beneficial for the eyes :

Seeing the dangers of the corona virus, many people work from home. While their eyes are on the commuter and laptop, kiwi juice is very beneficial for proper eye protection. According to a scientific study, the problem of vision loss can be avoided by consuming kiwi fruit or juice.

  • How to make kiwi juice :

Wash one kiwi fruit thoroughly to make kiwi juice. And then clean the top layer and cut into small pieces. Now put it in the mixer and add two cups of water. Run the juicer for 5 minutes. After five minutes, squeeze out the juice and add some salt. Juice ready.

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